New HOA Board Letter

Dear Stillwater Greens Homeowner,

We would like to time to thank our homeowners for your participation in our recent board elections on December 20th. We are pleased to announce our new HOA board and their respective positions: Rick Wenger, President; Neal Schroeder, Vice President; Dan Olson, Treasurer; Stacy Stroud, Secretary; Sheila Field, Assistant Secretary. It is an honor to be chosen to represent our community. We would also like to thank and commend our prior board for their service. They dedicated countless hours to our community and approached their service with a passion and a sense of doing what they felt was right. As our new board gets acclimated into their positions, we will work diligently through our transition from Windermere and hope to stay true to the history and character that has made Stillwater Greens a wonderful place to raise a family or spoil your grandchildren. It is also important to the new board that we earn your trust and have full transparency of actions taken on your behalf. Please know that we have an open door policy to all board meetings excluding Executive Sessions. The board will be meeting at 7:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the home of one of our board members. Please reach out to any of us if you would like to join. Your feedback, concerns and ideas are always welcomed.

We are excited to announce the reduction to our HOA dues this year! You will be receiving notices in the next few days reflecting the new amount of $285.00 due by February 28, 2017. Due to the reduction in annual dues, a revised budget will soon be posted on our website for your review; please let us know if you have any questions regarding our monetary policies.

In an effort to consolidate all information to one place we are utilizing the Stillwater Greens HOA website as a “one stop shop” for all the information concerning the neighborhood. On the site you will find information regarding upcoming events, HOA board meetings, approved minutes, a neighborhood directory, our lot map, CCRs etc. The site will be continually updated and modernized over time. This is the best way to know what is going on in the neighborhood. To get to the site please go to; some information is password protected so please reach out to any board member for the password to those areas. The board will be distributing newsletters on an as needed basis so we encourage all residents to utilize the site as much as possible and give us feedback on how we can make it better.

We always encourage your feedback and ideas to improve the neighborhood and nourish the friendly atmosphere that has defined Stillwater Greens. We are looking to do some fun and family friendly events again year such as the Easter egg hunt, a Fourth of July parade and a Summer BBQ. We will need volunteers and participants to make these events a success, so please look to the website and upcoming emails and/or newsletters for more details. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to serve the neighborhood and we look forward to a prosperous new year!

Stillwater Greens HOA Board of Directors